About Me

🙎🏻‍♂️ I’m a software engineer from the 🇵🇭 Philippines who has spent the last decade plus working with remote teams across different timezones.

💼 I’ve previously worked for game studio, a wifi hotspot provider, and a real estate platform, and I’ve cofounded a tourism and information platform, co-led engineering for a consulting firm, and was staff engineer for a leading CX platform.

🚀 I’m currently working on some exciting stuff, helping accelerate startups in Asia and Oceania as Head of Product for growthbox.

📧 Feel free to drop me a note at me [at] kix [dot] dev and I’ll do my best to get back to you.

About kix.dev

Occasionally, I find share-worthy thoughts so I post them here. That’s it. That’s the spiel. That’s also why it’s pretty quiet around here 🙂

This blog is powered by Notablog, a static site generator by Alexander Wang. I write my posts on Notion, run a script, and publish to my Github Pages site. It’s quick and easy, and lets me think less and just write more.

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