Hi, I’m Kix!
🙎🏻♂️ I’m a software engineer from the 🇵🇭 Philippines who has spent the last decade and half building cool things with amazing folks around the globe. I’ve worked with studios, startups, consulting firms, and enterprises - wearing a bunch of different hats for each - in a quest to help build great ideas into impactful products.
💼 Some of the companies I’ve worked with are a 🇵🇭 game studio, a wifi hotspot provider, 🇨🇳 a real estate platform, 🇦🇺 a tourism and information platform, a couple of 🇺🇸 consulting firms, and a 🇨🇦 leading CX platform.
🚀 I’m currently working with brilliant folks pushing the envelope of modern knowledge management and search at Ask-AI.
⚛️ I also run sisig.ai as an outlet to experiment with the bleeding edge of generative AI for fun (and eventually profit).
📧 Drop me a note at me [at] kix [dot] dev
About kix.dev
Once in a blue moon, I am compelled enough to write about something cool. So I put this site together. (That’s also why it’s pretty quiet around here - the “compelling” part doesn’t happen often enough!)
This blog is powered by Notablog, a static site generator by Alexander Wang. I write my posts on Notion, run a script, and publish to my Github Pages site. It’s quick and easy, and lets me think less and just write more.